What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy, or EMDR, is a highly effective treatment for individuals who have been living with the challenges of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Whether triggered immediately after a traumatic event or emerging over time, PTSD can significantly impact a person’s life by causing distressing memories to become overwhelming.

However, there’s hope. EMDR offers a proven solution to help individuals regain control over their lives and find relief from the burdens of traumatic memories.

What Does EMDR Therapy Involve?

EMDR therapy is a structured approach guided by a trained therapist to help individuals overcome the grip of traumatic memories. Here’s a glimpse into what EMDR therapy entails:

  • Establishing a Safe Environment: EMDR sessions begin by creating a safe and comfortable environment for the individual. Therapists often introduce relaxation and breathing exercises to set the tone for a secure and calming atmosphere.
  • Focused Processing: During EMDR, individuals share and discuss their most challenging memories with the therapist. What sets EMDR apart is the simultaneous use of bilateral stimulation, typically involving the patient tracking moving lights or a waving object. This bilateral stimulation serves to distract and facilitate emotional desensitization while recounting the traumatic experiences.
  • Desensitization: The repetitive eye movements or other bilateral stimulation techniques employed in EMDR help individuals desensitize themselves to their traumatic memories. This means that the emotional charge associated with those memories gradually lessens, making it easier to talk about and process them.
  • Reprocessing: EMDR therapy focuses on shifting how individuals feel about their traumatic memories and how they perceive themselves in relation to those memories. This “reprocessing” stage aims to help individuals regain control over their thoughts and emotions, reducing the power that these memories hold over them.
  • Efficiency: One remarkable aspect of EMDR is its efficiency. Unlike some other therapeutic approaches that may require lengthy treatment, EMDR often produces significant improvements in a relatively short period. This means that individuals with PTSD can regain a sense of presence and start living their lives the way they want to, free from the shackles of the past.

More Infomation

A link to some research.  http://marc.ucla.edu/workfiles/pdfs/marc-mindfulness-research-summary.pdf

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